4th Street
Waterloo, Iowa
Downtown Waterloo is a member of the Iowa Main Street Program which promotes and encourages its communities to draw upon their unique architectural roots to guide storefront and other improvements in their central business districts. Waterloo has been particularly successful in realizing the historic renovation of Fourth Street storefronts. RKLA was responsible for a streetscape design that would complement the historic renovation of storefronts while maintaining a link of authenticity. The design incorporated modern unit pavers but of the same color as the rustic street bricks of the past. Fiveglobe light fixtures match those found in photographs of the area taken at the turn of the century. The honeylocust trees selected have an open branching habit that allows the renovated details of the buildings to be appreciated while softening the street’s character. The design exercises thoughtful restraint so as not to detract from the architectural character of the buildings.
Hardin County Courthouse Square
Eldora, Iowa
U.S. Highway 63 Corridor Improvements
Waterloo, Iowa
West 27th Street
Cedar Falls, Iowa