Soldiers & Sailors Park
Waterloo, Iowa
This memorial park, on the banks of the Cedar River in downtown Waterloo, has been renovated through a fundraising effort by local veterans and fire fighters. RITLAND+KUIPER Landscape Architects donated their services to provide the design and assist in the preparation of construction documents and construction administration of the development.
The main feature of the renovated park is a memorial walkway to commemorate Waterloo’s veterans. The walkway terminates on the south with a memorial to the Unknown Soldier. The terminus on the north is a miniature scale Statue of Liberty. The focal point along the axis is a white marble civil war memorial fountain which has been restored by a retired mason.
This renovated park is one of the largest visitor draws in downtown Waterloo, and it is literally packed with veterans and their relatives on Memorial Day. It has become a tradition for families and friends to place American flags at the individual bricks identifying loved ones.
Eldora Veterans Memorial
Eldora, Iowa
Lou Henry Hoover Sculpture Park
Waterloo, Iowa
U.S. Highway 63 Corridior Improvements
Waterloo, Iowa