Lost Island Themepark
Waterloo, Iowa
RITLAND+KUIPER was hired by Weber Group to create the design plans and guide implementation of landscape plantings and features, colored concrete, pond and stream features, ornamental fencing, seating walls, siting faux palm tree locations, and irrigation system for this $125 million dollar theme park. RKLA assisted with grading design within the park creating hills and mounds to add height and interest. Lost Island consists of five realms that each have a distinct color palette, architecture, and theme that is part of a larger overall story. This created a unique design challenge for RKLA to create a cohesive palette of materials and plants for the entire park while also maintaining individual identities for each of the five realms. The result is a stunning mix of bold colors first experienced in the pavement design welcoming you into the park and each of the realms. Unique fencing styles, light fixtures, signage, building architecture, stamp patterns in the concrete, and pops of color are present as you explore the Tamariki, Udara, Awa, Yuta and Mura realms. The uniqueness of the realms is also shown in the plants chosen for that area based on their color, texture, size and even their ability to flutter in the breeze. The planting plan consisted of over 30,000 plants ranging from large spaded oak trees from local sources to sweeping swaths of shrubs and perennial plantings. The 90-acre park and 30-acre lake is surrounded and connected by acres of prairie grasses and short grass “no mow” areas to help reduce maintenance and to enhance the feeling of being in a lost world where native plantings are plentiful. Custom colored precast concrete stone weaves its way throughout each realm as a common thread that ties the Lost Island world together.
Lost Island Theme Park was featured in Landscape Architect & Specifier News Magazine! Follow the link below to read the article:
Gates Park
Waterloo, Iowa
Place to Play Park
Cedar Falls, Iowa
River Place Plaza & Mixed-use Development
Cedar Falls, Iowa