Grand Crossing
Waterloo, Iowa
Grand Crossing Development is a $20 million mixed-use retail and loft-style multi-family condominium development in downtown Waterloo. Located on a Brownfield environmental site, and previously home to a deteriorated hotel, Grand Crossing is the winner of the 2018 Audrey Nelson Community Development Achievement Award and the 2017 Housing Iowa Multifamily Housing Development Award. The development utilized several stormwater best management practices including permeable pavers, bioswales, and native plantings in meeting Iowa Green Streets Criteria 4.0. The site drains to several bioswales planted with sedges and native grasses to filter and infiltrate stormwater runoff into the existing sandy subsoils. The planting scheme uses a mix of locally adapted trees, shrubs and perennials to create seasonal interest and a buffer from the heavy traffic on adjacent Highway 63. RKLA provided assistance in the site master plan as well as detailed landscape construction drawings to guide the site development.
Cedar Valley Sportsplex
Waterloo, Iowa
John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum at Techworks Campus
Waterloo, Iowa
River Place Plaza
Cedar Falls, Iowa